Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blog One.

If asked what I do for a living, I simply reply "I'm a stay-at-home mom."

That couldn't be further from the truth. My son is about to start Kindergarten. He's growing up. He is Mister Independent and it just so happens to be his first summer vacation (having recently graduated from his VPK program). Days have been spent playing Hot Wheels, riding bikes, swimming, and slip n' sliding. Other than making lunch and reading the clock, I'm not of much use.

What I'd love to say when someone inquires is that I'm a writer. An author. I freelance, thanks for asking. How do I begin to redefine who I am?

Maybe it's simple. Maybe I should just start to do it. Maybe if I did it twenty times, I'd remember what it felt like to have a purpose other than just "mother." And so I shall.

I'm going to attempt to write about a random topic each and every day, without fail. I guess some writing will be fiction, some non. There will be a few autobiographical pieces. Maybe I'll write about animals. I might tell you everything you wanted to know about plants. We'll see. I've got about a million topics running through my cranium at any given moment so for now, allow me a brief "pause with post." I'll find a great topic on the WD website and I'll return shortly. Thanks for reading. Keep on keepin' on.


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